Protect Your Eyes with Giustizieri Vecchi's Blue Light and Computer Glasses


Reduce exposure to potentially harmful blue light

Blue light and the use of blue light filters and blocking lenses have gained a lot of attention in recent years due to increased awareness of the potential harm that blue light can cause to our eyes. However, before investing in blue light blockers, it's important to have a good understanding of what blue light is and how it affects our eyes.

If you're short on time, here's the bottom line: while there is no concrete scientific evidence supporting the use of blue light glasses for eye health, the decision is ultimately up to you. These lenses are harmless and can reduce the amount of blue light entering your eyes, and some people find them more comfortable to wear. If you're interested in purchasing a pair, we offer a variety of blue light glasses options.

What Is Blue Light?

Blue light is a high-energy, short-wavelength visible light that emits from multiple sources, including digital screens and the sun. Prolonged exposure to certain wavelengths of blue light can cause eye fatigue and discomfort. Our blue light filtering glasses and computer screen glasses are specially designed to reduce your exposure to harmful blue light, whether you're indoors or outdoors. By selecting the right lenses for your blue light prescription or non-prescription glasses, you can optimize visual comfort and minimize the potential long-term effects on your eye health.

Discover the Benefits of Blue Light Glasses from Giustizieri Vecchi for Digital Eye Strain Relief

What Are Blue Light Glasses Good For?

Blue light filtering glasses are essential for reducing digital eye strain caused by prolonged screen time. They protect your eyes from harmful blue-violet light and alleviate symptoms like sore eyes and a stiff neck. By wearing computer glasses, you can comfortably work or browse on screens for longer periods without risking eye strain.

*Disclaimer: Harmful blue-violet light is between 415-455nm.

Blue Light Filtering Glasses at GV

GV Blue Light Filter

Blue Light Filter

GV UV Protection

UV Protection

GV Water-Resistant Coating

Water-Resistant Coating

GV Anti-Smudge & Easy-Clean

Anti-Smudge & Easy-Clean

GV Lightweight glasses


Select from Giustizieri Vecchi's Wide Array of Blue Light Glasses to Shield Your Eyes and Boost Screen Comfort

Protect Your Eyes With Computer Glasses

Choose from our extensive range of blue light glasses for men and women, including non-prescription computer glasses or prescription eyeglasses, to protect your eyes from harmful blue-violet light and enhance your screen time comfort.

Tips For How To Limit Blue Light Exposure

1. Practice the 20/20/20 strategy
If you're using a digital device that emits blue light, it's important to take regular breaks to reduce eye strain and fatigue. Follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look away from your screen and focus on an object at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds before returning to your work. Incorporating this simple habit into your routine can help protect your eyes from the harmful effects of blue light exposure.

2. Keep your eyes moist
Incorporating simple remedies like using eye drops, such as artificial tears, and a room humidifier can help prevent your eyes from becoming dry and irritated when using blue-light-emitting devices. These practices can also alleviate symptoms of digital eye strain, such as burning, itching, and redness. By making these habits part of your daily routine, you can significantly improve the health and comfort of your eyes.

3. Adjust the blue light on your screen
Consider using blue light filters on your devices to reduce exposure to harmful blue-violet light. Most digital devices have built-in settings that can adjust the blue light emissions, or you can install software or apps that can change the color temperature of your screen. These tools can help minimize the negative impact of blue light on your eyes, reducing the risk of digital eye strain and promoting better sleep patterns.

4. Wear bluelight filter glasses
To reduce eye strain and limit blue light exposure, wearing specialized blue light glasses is highly recommended. These glasses are designed to block harmful blue light from reaching your eyes and provide a more comfortable viewing experience while using digital devices. Consider shopping for blue light glasses to protect your eyes and improve your overall visual health.

How to add Blue light filter

Explore Giustizieri Vecchi's Non-Prescription Computer Glasses for Enhanced Viewing and Reduced Eye Strain

Option 1: Computer Glasses

Discover our collection of non-prescription computer glasses designed to reduce eye strain and improve your viewing experience.

Browse Giustizieri Vecchi's Customizable Non-Prescription Eyeglasses with Optional Blue Light Filter for Ultimate Eye Protection

Option 2: Eyeglasses

Explore our selection of non-prescription eyeglasses and customize your purchase by adding a blue light filter for optimal eye protection.

Customize Your Prescription Eyeglasses with a Blue Light Filter at Giustizieri Vecchi for Enhanced Eye Protection

Option 3: Optical Glasses

Explore our selection of prescription eyeglasses and customize your purchase by adding a blue light filter for optimal eye protection.